As one of the sponsors, I present to you the Official Sponsors List as at 1 September 2009.
To both sponsors and participants, Let's get ready to rumble!
25 $ cash prize from
20 $ cash prize from
15 $ cash prize from
10 $ cash prize from
5 $ cash prize from
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- English Short Story
- Make or Break
- Thoughts and Obsessions
- Just About Anything
- MyOnlineContest
- Pinay Mommy Online
20.000 EC
15.000 EC
10.000 EC
- Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
- Too little time to blog
- Frugality is the new reality
- Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
- Your daily photo depot
- Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
- Stalking Minds
- X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X
- contest ♥ love
- The Journey
5.500 EC
5.000 EC
- Girls Are Made of Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice
- Everything Has A Reason
- In This Life of Ours
- In My Kitchen
- My Vegetable Garden
- ProductReviewsVonMir
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- Wonderful Things In Life
- Blog de Manila
- Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
- My Life and My Views
- Vanillaseven.com
- Stunned by Stone
- Kamila the Camel
4.000 EC
3.500 EC
3.000 EC
2.500 EC
2.000 EC
- All about my life
- My Life's Adventure
- Life's Journey
- Quintessential Babble
- Kutsara at Tinidor
- Worth's...Road
- Blog Fusion
- Make or Break
- Subjective Soup
- Communication Exchange
- Seek No More
- Freaky Frugalite
- Mara's Appetite
- My Financial Corner
- The Movie Mommy
- Chika Buzz
- Make Money Online | Make Money Online Malaysia
- Fishy Passion
- Proud Mommy
- My Online Journey
- As Time Goes By...
- One World Realty Philippines
1.000 EC
- Momgen Garage Store
- My Crafts Store Online
- Fida Abbott
- Lovely Pink
- My Daily Sunset
- Dashing Beauty
- kharlota dot Com
- Live Love Pink
- Hobby and Such by Carlota
- Mixed Bag
- iLUVcontest
- AnotherContest
- nameSherry
- heartrandom.com
- Shopping
- the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
- Womensselfesteem.com's Blog
- Gossip Mom
- A Maiden's Testimony
- samantha's own
- In His Steps
- Mommy's Little Corner
- Master and Student
125 x 125 ad space (4 months until 31st December)
- One World Realty Phillipines
- Business Sphere - Business Advice, Entrepreneurship, Consulting, Real Estate
Text Link ad (3 months)
125 x 125 ad space (2 months)
- Blog de Manila
- Kaya Mo, Pinoy!
- Pinay Mom : Smartest Mom in Town
- Yashiro
- Tinta at Papel
- Just About Anything
- Wish Happy Birthday For Free
- Work At Home (worth $ 50)
- After cancer, now what
- Gossip Mom (5 text links!)
125 x 125 ad space (1 month)
- Kamila the Camel
- Herbways - Way with Herbs
- 365 Bulgarian Adventures
- Dosh for U - Extra Money Tips
- Tips n Wrinkles - Save Money and the World
- 50 50 Deals - Sensible Shopping
- Bulgarian Slivatree - An Expatriate's Eye in Bulgaria
- Bad Luck
- Yambol Daily Picture
- Bulgarian Scrapbook
- The Rakia Site
- ThereisHappiness.com
- twinshappiness.com
- Also Mommy
- TH's corner
- Blogging Tips to promote your blog and make money blogging
- atenean101 @ Blogspot
- Chizmosa Lounge
- Wonderful Things In Life
- My Life's Adventure
- Life's Journey
- Momgen Garage Store
- My Crafts Store Online
- Vanillaseven.com
- Fida Abbott
- Blogging School
- elai's haven
- Dashing Smiles
- EzGreatLife
- The fire in my life
- iLUVcontest
- AnotherContest
- nameSherry
- heartrandom.com
- Shopping
- Worth's...Road
- Blog Fusion
- Nishas world and baby Alisha
- the fledgling blogger - "Only love can work wonders."
- Make or Break
- A Maiden's Testimony
- vhingsFOTO album
- Just About Anything
- samantha's own
- The Nexus - Feed your brain
- The Bad Evan
- A Woman's Blog
- Online Biz and Resources
- Moolah Musings
- I Luv Contests and More
Blog review (200 - 300 words)
Customized Bloglayout (Blogger-Platform)
DOMAIN (1 year)
5 GB Hosting space (without domain)
- Facetted ruby (value ~115 $) from Stunned by Stone
- 6 sets of mixed greeting cards from http://hyenacart.com/momgenpaperdesigns
- 1 surprise box (value 20$) from http://hyenacart.com/agiftwrappingbox
- 2 pairs of Beaded Earrings from http://darlingrose.etsy.com
- Beaded Bracelet & 1 pair of Beaded Earrings from http://momgen.etsy.com
Cornymans' own contribution (if someone beats his contribution, he has to top up)
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Moneypage
25.000 EC + 1 ad space Cornymans Blogreviews
25.000 EC + 1 ad space All about babies and kids
25.000 EC + 1 ad space The One Minute Guide
September 3, 2009 at 7:57 PM
Goodluck to all of us! :D This should be exciting!!
September 3, 2009 at 8:30 PM
Yes Mara. Good luck to all :)